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LayerOne 2005

Presenter: Joshua Teitelbaum and Peter Leung
Topic: How to be a good cryptoanarchist
Slides: cryptanalysis.pdf
Presenter: Noah Brickman and Dr. Edward Bachelder
Topic: Immersive Environments for Complex Military Ops Training using Fused Reality
Slides: LayerOne-Fused-Reality.pdf
Presenter: Jason Spence
Topic: Dirty CMOS Tricks, or My Rootkit is Better than Your Rootkit
Slides: dirty_cmos_tricks.pdf
Presenter: Major Malfunction
Topic: Old Skewl Hacking – InfraRed
Slides: mmirda_layerone.pdf
Presenter: Erik Berls
Topic: Layering in defense: Front ending WWW
Slides: eberls-layer-one.pdf
Presenter: Rodney Thayer and Beetle
Topic: The Radical Realm of RADIUS, 802.1x, and You
Slides: Radical Realm of RADIUS.pdf
Presenter: Justin Troutman
Topic: Caveat Lector: Authentication, the Forgotten, Should-be Predominant
Presenter: David Hulton
Topic: High-Speed Computing & Co-Processing with FPGAs
Presenter: David Freed
Topic: A newby’s guide to running your own mail server
Presenter: Bruce Potter
Topic: Security in the Development Process? Windows vs. Linux vs. The BSD’s
Presenter: Alex Perry
Topic: Establishing trust in insecure distributed sensor networks
Slides: layerone2005-ge.pdf
Presenter: eecue
Topic: Snarl – Bootable Forensics CD Based on FreeBSD
Presenter: Adam Laurie
Topic: Hacking Bluetooth Enabled Mobile Phones, and Beyond
Slides: trifinite_bluetooth_presentation_layerone.pdf