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2016 Electronic Badge Sneak Peek

Posted on 20 May 2016 by operator (0)

CharlieX and MMCA from Null Space Labs are back with another awesome badge design for 2016! Key features of this year’s badge:

* 5×4 WS2812B RGB LED matrix
* Programmable System on Chip (PSOC) 4
* Broken out PSOC4 IOs
* ESP8266 WiFi module with GPIO’s added to the PSOC4 so they can interact and the ESP8266 can be reset
* Mini breakout area
* 3.3V & Battery rails

Full build details and the story of the making of the 2016 electronic badge is available on CharlieX’s Hackaday project page. See the maiden voyage of the badge builds in the video below!

Don’t forget – you have until May 25th to save big on entry. Head over to the registration page and secure your tickets now! Pre-registration gets you full access to the event, all presentations, contests, villages, and the Saturday Night party.

The LayerOne Staff

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