HAM Testing at LayerOne 2024!

Are you lonely?
Need someone to talk to?
Do discussions about volts, amps, watts, ohms, and high voltage excite you?
Are you a social outcast without a hope of ever finding companionship?
If you answered yes to all of these questions, you are probably already a ham. If you answered no to any of them, you probably aren’t a ham….but we can fix that! Come ruin your social life the right way by taking the amateur radio exams at LayerOne! If you’re looking to upgrade we can handle that for any amateur radio license class, too!
Sign up at THIS LINK! Testing takes place on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 18:00 Pacific time in the Lockpicking Village.
Registration for the event is OPEN on our registration page. We do not offer discounts on early bird pricing, so get in while the discounts last! Prices go up as we get closer to the conference.
The Call for Papers is online! Speakers at LayerOne get free entry to the conference, a $200 honorarium, and the praise and acclaim of their peers. Submit a presentation now!
Looking for hotel accommodations? We get a special rate from the conference hotel that is available until May 3rd. Book your hotel room now with this discount link.
The LayerOne Staff