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LayerOne 2014 was awesome!

Posted on 17 June 2014 by operator (0)

Thanks to everyone who made it out for LayerOne 2014! Whether you were watching talks, hacking away at contests, learning about soldering and electronics in the Hardware Hacking Village, or popping locks in the Lockpicking Village, fun times were had by all! Thanks to all of our fabulous sponsors for helping making this year the best yet.

Please send any feedback, conference/contest writeups, and photos to

We look forward to seeing you again at LayerOne 2015!

The LayerOne Staff

Photos from this year’s event:

Arko and Stealth prepping for the CUBEX-1 Balloon Launch

Putting in work learning to solder at the Hardware Hacking Village!

Learning all about high (and low) security locks in the Lockpicking Village.

Team mosy’s game face while stomping on obfuscated code in the (De)Obfuscation Contest.

Contestants working hard in the DC 949 CTF contest.

Badge hacking! Resistor spider complete with cylon LED face.

Badge hacking! Well, sort of…

Closing ceremonies being Dealt With.

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